We are accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year for SIBLINGS OF CURRENT STUDENTS ONLY.
Registration can be done online using the NEW STUDENT forms at the right or by printing these forms and bringing them to the school or parish office. Sibling registration should be completed by January 20.
Printable New Student Registration Form
If you have any questions, please email Danielle Kenney, dkenney@olwschool.org, or call the school office at 847-255-0050.
To begin the registration process, please use the appropriate online registration form on the right or complete a paper OLW Registration Form. You will also need to provide the following:
— a certified birth certificate issued by the county/state (not by the hospital)
— a baptismal certificate
— cash, check, or money order for the $150 per student registration fee*
*Your registration fee will only be refunded in the event that you move out of town or are unable to secure a position in our school.
Our Lady of the Wayside School is operated under the auspices of the Catholic Bishop of Chicago, a corporation sole, in the Archdiocese of Chicago. OLW admits students of any race, color, sex, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students in this school. OLW does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, or national and ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, loan programs, athletic or other school-administered programs.
The State of Illinois requires documentation of the following:
— a physical exam by a licensed physician in Illinois, as well as a record of updated immunizations for all students entering school for the first time (including preschoolers), kindergartners and sixth graders BEFORE the first day of the current school year.
— an oral health examination by a licensed dentist in Illinois for all kindergartners, 2nd graders, and 6th graders due by May 15th of the current school year.
— a complete vision exam by a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist in Illinois for students entering an Illinois school for the first time (not including preschoolers) and all kindergartners due no later than October 15th of the current school year.
During the open registration period in January and February, the following order will be considered when taking registrations. We do limit class size to ensure a safe environment and a low teacher-student class ratio.
1. Currently enrolled OLW School students
2. Brothers or sisters of currently enrolled OLW students
3. Children of OLW Parishioners registered before December 1, 2022
4. Children of Catholic families registered at parishes other than OLW
5. Children of non-Catholic families